Introducing My Swift Life
Welcome to personalised after service

Replacing Connect Direct (our previous customer portal), My Swift Life is now available to all Swift caravan and motorhome owners*.
Sign up to My Swift Life for access to useful tips and our comprehensive “How To” video library, designed to help you familiarise yourself with your Swift caravan or motorhome.
My Swift Life provides owners with a unique personal profile, where you can access information that's specific to your caravan or motorhome, including; outstanding warranty claims, service information and a direct line into our Swift customer experience team.
Log in to My Swift Life and report faults directly to Swift, enabling us to work together and allowing us to respond more quickly to your needs. Our new platform hosts a variety of information, including product notifications, customer bulletins, product recalls and upgrades, as well as important notifications about our products and services.
* Available to UK registered customers only.

Using My Swift Life, you can also view chargeable orders that have been placed on your behalf, by your Swift dealer or servicing provider, along with any outstanding warranty claims from the date of ownership.
The key benefits of My Swift Life are:
- Access to useful “How To” video guides
- Access to personalised information 24/7
- Ability to report faults directly to our customer care team
- Authorised claims passed directly to dealer to speed up the warranty process
- Product upgrades notifications
- Live messaging direct into Swift's customer experience retail team, including direct access to tech support
- Upload service history records
- Service history reminders
- Useful bulletins and alerts