Swift announce the winner of January's Apprentice of the Month
We are delighted to announce the winner of January’s apprentice of the month winner is Jacob Wilson, our L2 Engineering Operative Apprentice.
The competition has been fierce, with many deserving candidates for this month's award. Jacob has come out on top due to his consistently high performance, highlighted by the fact he has previously been nominated for Apprentice of the Month twice.
Here is what some of his team members have had to say:
“Jacob Wilson has been in the unit press shop for the last few weeks and has been doing really well. Always asking questions and always getting stuck in.”
Wayne Eland - Production
“Outstanding Apprentice”
Lee Morris - Composite Manufacture Senior Manager
“Jacob has excelled in all areas he has been working. Feedback from managers and operatives who have worked with Jacob is that he is a great lad with a fantastic attitude towards learning. He always asks questions and shows self-initiative when being shown what to do. His time and attendance have been good also.”
Matt Danville - Caravan Production Senior Manager
Congratulations Jacob you are proving to be an EPIC apprentice.
We would also like to say a huge well done to our other nominees for January 2023:
Damian Muflahi - 3rd year apprentice
Kyle Hussey - 3rd year apprentice
Archee Chapman - 1st year apprentice
Chesney Linford - 1st year apprentice
Vernon Gay - 1st year apprentice
Angel Doherty - 1st year apprentice