The Swift Sprite Grande (4 to 6 berth) caravan is a family favourite

From: £28,395

Enjoying all the features of Sprite, but with even more room to relax and unwind. The extra space in the 8ft-wide range allows for a wider opening central window and front chest, an airy dining area and larger sleeping spaces.

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"I have never had such exceptional customer service from any other company as Swift."

John Lawrence, September 2023

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Enjoy all the features of the refreshed Sprite with brand new soft furnishing scheme, but with even more room to relax and unwind. The extra space in the 8ft-wide range allows for a wider opening central window, an additional 7” between seats in the front parallel lounge, extra storage space and larger sleeping areas.


View and download our 2025 caravan brochure for details on features, layouts, options and SMART Construction.

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